The goal of the Library is to make the collection freely available to all patrons as is consistent with proper and equitable use. Compliance with the following rules will be appreciated by all library users and will be strictly enforced by all members of staff.
Borrowing Policies
Patron Type | General Collection | No. of Books | Reserve |
Law Students | 14 days | 3 | Overnight |
Law Faculty | 30 days | Unlimited | N/A |
Non-Law Staff | 14 days | 3 | N/A |
Judicial Dept. | 14 days | 3 | N/A |
Legal Dept. | 14 days | 3 | N/A |
DPP | 14 days | 3 | N/A |
Others | Reference only | Reference only | Reference only |
Library Rules

- Library users are expected to work quietly. Please step outside or use the student common room for conversations. Disturbing other users or disrupting the library in any manner, including noisy behavior and loud conversation will not be tolerated.
- Smartphones must not be used in the library or in the computer room. All patrons should turn off the ring feature on their smartphones so that the noise does not disturb other users. Conversations on these phones should be carried on outside the library.
- Please do not write in, underline, highlight or otherwise deface or mutilate library books.
- Food or drink (except bottled water) can damage library materials and must not be brought into the library.
- Smoking and use of tobacco products is not permitted in the library.
- Library users may not post signs in the library.
- Library staff phones are not available for public use.
- All library books must be returned to the Library Officer (Law Librarian, Information Services Specialist, Admin Assistant or Receptionist) or dropped in the Book Return bin in the absence of the Library Officer. The transfer of books between students is not permitted. All library books remain the responsibility of the borrower until returned in one of the above two ways.
- All debts to the library must be paid prior to graduation. Results and certificates will be withheld until all outstanding debts have been paid.
- Students are obliged to pay the replacement cost (and associated costs of administration) of books lost, damaged or defaced.
- Emergency exits must not be used except in the event of an emergency. Alarms on these doors will go off when opened.
- Library materials must not be removed from the library unless they have been properly checked out by Library Officer.
- The library reserves the right to recall materials borrowed before the due date.
- Students who transgress any of the above rules will have their library privileges revoked.