The collection comprises works which cover all aspects of law. These materials include: textbooks, law reports, laws, statutes and digests, law journals, government publication, legal online databases and legal websites.
Reference materials are identified by a red dot on the spine of the book. These books may not be removed from the library. Books intended for the Professional Practice Course (PPC) are identified by a green dot.
The textbook collection is arranged according to Moys Classification System for Legal Libraries. The other materials are divided into the following sections — Law Reports, Statutes and Laws, and Journals. These are arranged alphabetically by title.
All materials in the collection are protected by the Bibliotheca theft-detection system. Users should ensure that books are properly checked out and desensitized before attempting to remove them from the library, or an alarm will go off.
Online Resources
Through the University of Liverpool, the library provides access to e-journals and online legal databases such as LexisNexis Library, Westlaw UK, HeinOnline, and much more.
Use DISCOVER, a search engine, to fully utilise these resources.
Faced with unfamiliar legal abbreviations? Use:
Law Reports
The Library has print collection of the following law reports from common law jurisdictions:
A – J
- All England Law Reports
- Australian Law Reports
- British Company Cases
- Business Law Reports
- Butterworths Company Law Cases
- Butterworths Human Rights Cases
- Canada Law Reports
- Reports of the Supreme Court of Canada
- Canada Supreme Court Reports
- Exchequer Court of Canada
- Canada Federal Court Reports
- Cayman Islands Law Reports
- Commercial Cases
- Common Market Law Reports
- Cox’s Criminal Law Cases
- Criminal Appeal Reports
- Dominion Law Reports (3rd and 4th Series)
- English Reports
- European Court Reports
- European Human Rights Reports
- Family Law Reports
- Federal Court Reports (Australia)
- Fleet Street Reports
- Human Rights Law Reports
- Industrial Cases Report
- Industrial Relation Law Reports
- International Litigation Procedure
- Jersey Law Reports
- Justice of the Peace Reports
L – W
- Law Reports: Admiralty and Ecclesiastical
- Law Reports: Appeals Cases
- Law Reports: Chancery Division
- Law Reports: Common Pleas
- Law Reports: Crown Cases
- Law Reports: English and Irish Appeals Cases
- Law Reports: Scotch and Divorce Appeals Cases
- Law Reports: Equity Cases
- Law Reports: Exchequer
- Law Reports: Family Division
- Law Reports: Privy Council Appeal Cases
- Law Reports: Probate and Divorce
- Law Reports: Probate Division
- Law Reports: Kings Bench
- Law Reports: Queens Bench
- Law Reports of Commonwealth: Commercial
- Law Reports of Commonwealth: Criminal
- Law Reports of Commonwealth: Constitution
- Law Times Report
- Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers
- Lloyd’s Law Reports
- Lloyd’s Law Reports—Financial Crime
- New Zealand Law Reports
- Palmer’s Company Cases
- Revised Reports
- Times Law Reports
- UK Human Rights Law Reports
- Weekly Law Reports
- Weekly Notes
- West Indian Reports
Law Journals
The Library has print collection of the following journals from common law jurisdictions:
A – I
- Anglo-American Law Review
- Arbitration Monthly
- Archbold News
- Cambridge Law Journal
- Canadian Bar Review
- Caribbean Law Review
- Cayman Islands Law Bulletin (Law Review)
- Charity Law and Practice Review
- Child and Family Law Quarterly
- Civil Justice Quarterly
- Common Law World Review
- Common Market Law Review
- Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest
- Commonwealth Legal Education
- Commonwealth Law Bulletin
- Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
- Criminal Law Review
- Economist
- European Business Law Review
- European Human Rights Law Review
- European Intellectual Property Review
- European Law Review
- Family Law
- Financial Regulation International
- Industrial Law Journal
- International and Comparative Law Quarterly
- International Criminal Law Review
- International Family Law
- International Journal of Evidence and Proof
J – W
- Jersey Law Review
- Journal of Business Law
- Journal of Commonwealth Criminal Law
- Journal of Criminal Law
- Journal of Private International Law
- Judicial Review
- Justice of the Peace
- Law Quarterly Review
- Law Society Gazette
- The Law Teacher
- The Law Times
- Legal Ethics
- Legal Studies
- Litigation
- Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly
- Modern Law Review
- Money Laundering Bulletin
- New Law Journal
- Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
- Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
- Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
- Proceeds of Crime Review
- Public Law
- Solicitor’s Journal
- Trust Law International
- West Indian Law Journal
Other Serials
Other serials available in the Library consist of:
- Cayman Islands Gazette (Extraordinary Gazette)
- Cayman Islands Laws and Subsidiary Legislation
- Atkins Court Forms
- Current Law: Monthly Digest
- Current Law Statutes
- Current Law Statutes Annotated
- Current Law: Case Citator
- Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents
- The English & Empire Digest
- Halsbury’s Statutes
- Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments
- Halsbury’s Laws of England
- Law Commission Reports
- Law Reports Statutes
Moys Classification System
Subject | Call Number | Subject | Call Number |
Administrative Law | KM300-307 | Jurisprudence | KA |
Agency | KN25 | Labour Law | KN190-199 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution | KN398 | Land Law | KN60-93 |
Banking Law | KN303 | Land Reform | KL160-199 |
Children & Young Persons | KN176 | Legal Accounting | KN307 |
Civil Rights | KN201 | Legal Biography | KB1-10 |
Commercial Law | KN250-349 | Legal History | KL400-480 |
Company Law | KN261-265 | Legal/Miscellany/Humour/etc. | KB30-35 |
Comparative Law | KB100-250 | Legal Profession | KL50-119 |
Computer Law | KN347-348 | Legal System (UK) | KL |
Conflicts of Law | KC2000 | Maritime Law | KN330-339 |
Constitutional Law | KM31-299 | Mediation | KN398 |
Consumer Law | KN284 | Negotiation | KN398.6 |
Contract Law | KN10-25 | Obligations | KN5-9 |
Copyright Law | KN112 | Partnerships | KN267 |
Criminal Evidence | KM600-608 | Patents | KN114.1 |
Criminal Justice | KM570-799 | Personal Property | KN100-118 |
Criminal Law | KM500-599 | Planning Law | KN96 |
Criminal Procedure | KM570-599 | Police | KM615 |
Criminology | KM700-799 | Private International Law | KC2000 |
Dictionaries (Legal) | K120-126 | Procedure (General and Civil) | KN350-399 |
Environmental Law | KN94-95 | Public Law | KM1-29 |
Equity | KN200-235 | Real Property | KN60-98 |
European Community Law | KW | Restitution | KN20.2 |
Evidence | KN390-397 | Sales of Goods | KN280-287 |
Family Law | KN170-179 | Succession and Inheritance | KN120-143 |
Finance | KN300-315 | Taxation | KM336-360 |
Human Rights | KC200-208 | Torts | KN30-39 |
Industrial Law | KN190-199 | Transport Law | KN320-329 |
Inheritance and Succession | KN120-143 | Trusts and Trustees | KN210-216 |
Insurance Law | KN290-295 | Wills | KN125 |
Intellectual Property | KN111-118 | Witnesses | KN391 |
International Law | KC | Non-legal Subjects | KZ |