Staff and Students
The library is open to all staff and students of the Law School. A valid TBLS student ID is required to register. Students are required to attend an orientation session before registering to use the library.
Non-TBLS users include employees of the Legal Department, Judicial Department, DPP and other organizations and government agencies, as well as members of the general public and private practitioners.
Overdue and Fines Notices
Fines are imposed immediately on all borrowers for the late return of any items. These penalties will continue to accrue until the item or items are returned and discharged. A fine or fee of KYD 2.00 or more will block borrowing or renewal of materials.
Students who take library books overseas are not exempted from fines. You can renew a book by e-mail or telephone. Simply e-mail the law librarian, information services specialist or any of the administrative staff. All that is necessary to renew an item is your name. You can also renew a book via the OPAC.
Failure to return overdue items or pay outstanding debts may result in the withholding of academic transcripts and may prevent re-enrollment. It is advisable that all students, particularly overseas students, clear their library accounts before they leave the country for holidays or for good.